Saturday, July 4, 2009

28th of june, 2009, i made a historic trip to kolkata. I went to that place earlier, long ago. but this time i had to go, to see off my dad slogging in that sultry, near-to-hell environment. four days of my stay there was big enough for me to see the diversity of life and things there.

the land of rasgullas is also the land of sweet people. noone ever messes with you. there are immigrants from bangladesh and people from the seven sisters. but they are so infilterated that its hard to make out the origins. also kolkata has the largest variety of transport. hand drawn carts(which were actually banned by the govt.), rickshaws, autos, taxis, buses, tongas, you name it. and the drivers are so skillful, they just need an inch's width on the road to drive their bikes!

the boys schoolage are usually found near malls, smoking, or outing with their girlfriends.

kolkata is a place that is structurally still ancient. the land of palaces it is rightly called. one can lose his heart out to the canadian consulate building. its a majestic grey building with a little 29th century structure.

the howrah bridge and the vidyasagar sethu count as the pride of kolkata.

coming to my favourite part....which is food, its clearly hard for a vegetarian to survive. one finds a non-veg restaurant every stride but a vegetarian restaurant is a rarity. so veggies beware!

the minus point i ever found in kolkata was its weather. 24x7 sultry. it dawns at 4am in the capital city of the land of sunderbans.

all in all, the weather was a major conspirer and spoilt very well our trip.

yet i would say its a great destination for the vacations but make it a destination in the winter....much better that would be.