Monday, August 2, 2010

Moula Ali 1/8/2010

The first day of the eighth month..coincidentally...the first sunday of the month...Friendship day!
We went for a trek trip to Moula Ali hill. We assembled at the Moula Ali arch (kamaan as in the vernacular language) at 6.30 am. From there, we climbed around a hundred steps or more to reach an entrance at a point on the hill. From there, we went to the hilly area...the place we were to do the actual trek. There were a few more steps we had to climb to reach the top of the hill...we were asked not to step on the black stone that made up a large part of the first step...I learnt from my fellow trekkers that it was a holy stone brought from the Mecca.

On reaching the top of the hill, we had introductions so short that defined brevity. Then we made a circleand had a warm up session. After we had flexed all the important muscles, we climbed up and down a hill slope...FUN!!!

After the up and down rounds we moved on to a place full of rocks, boulders, whatever you want to call them. We climbed our way down the rocky, rough terrain with a lot of prudence and judgement. But the Rock climbing we did our way up was real fun... the rocks on the way up were close by and grippy enough to climb them without difficulty.

After we climbed up, we explored the ruins there... here we spotted lots of arthropods..butterflies, centipedes, millipedes...which some made crawl on them...and injured them too... We also witnessed a variety of flora.
All through the trek we had powerful wind, but powerful. I was being pushed back by the winds...seriously. Resistence was a problem. We ambled around the place for a while observing the kites and other little birds that flew by, fighting their way against the winds.

And finally we had a great photo session around. And tea time.... the climax...

After the tea, we all parted ways to our homes, with an experience to remember.