Thursday, June 3, 2010

There are around a hundred religions in this world. All of them preach brotherhood, peace, mutual love and respect, non violence, etc. When every religion meant the same, then why did they fight amongst themselves? Why was it so necessary to prove that their incarnates of their principles were superior to those that the others came up with? wasn't violence against their religion? Against the principles they were so frantically supporting?

I was told in school that the concept of GOD was created so one would always be conscious when he was doing something immoral. To keep man away from erronous paths. Who then, asked them to resort to breaking every rule that was meant to be right, to acheieve something they called superiority of their religion? Was it so necessary to place their Gods above their counterparts?

 I was also taught in school that the Hindu society was divided into four classes called "Varnas". The Brahmins, who were believed to be incarnates to the Almighty himself , or atleast a messenger of the God. the brahmin class was called the supreme class. Placed below the Brahmins were the Kshatriyas, the class of people who ruled over "subjects", fought battles and showed cavalry. Kings, emperors and soldiers were all of this class. The third class was that of Vaisyas, the mercantile class. The fourth and the most looked down upon class was the Shudras, who were mostly domestic helps, cobblers, potters, and the likes. The muslims were divided into shiyas and sunnis, Christians into, into chatholics and protestants. I have not much knowledge about the other religions and their subdivisions if any.

The previously made divisions were now further divided.

Everyone was interested in religion, but not its essence. In a tangible idol, but not what was preached through it. Religion started dividing people. Crusades of the past, Jihads, all causing bloodshed and nothing else. And where was GOD? Why was he enjoying all that was being done in his name? Why couldn't he have stopped all this vandalism using all the power he was believed to possess? Why could people no longer trust their shadows? Why was it so difficult to believe a person? If it were so difficult to believe a living person, how could one blindly believe the existence of god? A god whom noone had ever seen.

Why is it that people never try to think of things the way they have to?

After a long thought, I realised I was only expecting miracles from a person, no, a force, no a sprite, no....infact from something that i wasn't even sure of. That was when I gave up my belief in religion and the humungusly wierd concept of GOD. Atheist is what I am now...and quite happy with it.


priyank shah said...

well human kind is millions of year old and no religion is that old, god did not make world we made god as a pillar for belief. I believe in universal truth but not entity called GOD.

Kavitha Chetana said...

i agree with you there. God is a concept. Stephen hawking, in his very recent works, has stated that a thing like god cannot exist or create the universe!